The characteristic of Thai people generally is shy and afraid of English. They admire some Thai persons who pronounce English like native speaker and the most of Thai people think that their ability of English skill is inferior to them .Thus they discourage to learn and improve their English. The studying of English in English speaker countries, where are recognised as the original English speaker especially in UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand, may terminate such inferiority complex even though it could be said that the quality of English teaching of the famous institutions in Thailand (for example: British Council) is not different to the ones in the English countries. The improvement of English skill depends on many factors other than an effort. If you are talkative and associate with many English friends, your speaking and listening skills will be developed more quickly than the other ones who has only a chance to speak English in classroom. If you are in the different social, it will stimulate you to interest in history subject and to travel around there because you begin to observe a new experience.However bear in your mind that the English friends generally do not correct any error of your English.